It's been quite awhile since I've written a post in the "I Love Freecycle!" series and I want to share with you some of my latest finds. You can see my previous posts in this series here for more on how Freecycle works and why I love it so much.
I saw a posting on Freecycle a little before Christmas for two new Christmas books. New! And free! Did I mention that I love Freecycle?
Here's the first book. It has a CD in the back too.
Isn't it great? And this is the second one.
I was so excited when I picked these up! The books were in perfect condition. I gave both of them as Christmas gifts - one to my mom and one to my mother-in-law. {Sorry moms, the cat's out of the bag but I think you both actually appreciate that kind of thriftiness!}
Free gifts! Can't beat that in December :)
And now for an update on an item I received last fall. Do you remember all the baskets I received from Freecycle?
This was one of the sets.
In that bunch was this little gem.
I mentioned in that "I Love Freecycle" post that it would be great for a gift basket. And it was! I gave a basket of bath products to my brother's girlfriend for Christmas.
Here's a different angle so you can see the basket better.
I love being able to use something free as part of a gift. As long as the item is in good condition of course :) And as long as the recipient would not be offended if they knew it was free.
More Freecycle finds coming soon! And I'll share some of the things that I've given away on Freecycle too.
What's the best thing you've ever found on Freecycle (or a thrift store/garage sale)? Let me know and maybe I'll feature you in a future post in the series!
Happy organizing!

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