For those of you who have been following my blog for awhile, you'll know that originally I didn't share pictures of my family. You only got to see the backs of their heads sometimes :) I even blurred their faces out of some pictures.
I wanted to keep their faces hidden for privacy and protection reasons. My personal friends and family could see them on Facebook, but I didn't share them publicly.
Gradually over the last few months though, I've been including pictures of my hubby and kids in some of my posts. I feel like those of you who read this blog are my friends. It felt weird not to share such a huge part of my life with you!
So today you get to officially "meet" my family!
I'm still not going to share their names. I'll keep referring to them as "my hubby", or "my son", or "my daughter". Gotta keep some mystery here :)
Family Portraits
We recently had family portraits taken and I LOVE how they turned out! So today I'm sharing some of them with you.
We hadn't had family portraits taken since my daughter was a baby. So we were long overdue for some new ones!
I knew I wanted some fun outdoor pictures that captured our personalities. No fake backdrops for us this time!
My friend Cathy of Cathy Koop Photography took these amazing pictures of us. She was fabulous to work with and I highly recommend her if you're in the Hamilton, Ontario area!
We took these pictures at Webster's Falls in Dundas, Ontario. It's so beautiful there and Cathy did a great job capturing the beautiful scenery behind us.
In addition to family portraits, we also got some pictures of various pairs within our family.
She's such a Daddy's girl :)
Aren't they the cutest kids ever?! OK, I'm a little biased... but this is my absolute favourite picture ever taken of these two!
Well, maybe this one's a close second.
We got some great individual shots too!
I even got a nice headshot to use on the blog and for social media!
There are tons of other great pictures too but I won't bore you with any more.
I'm so glad we did these photos! The kids were at a great age and cooperated really well. Of course we have lots of shots with people looking the wrong way or having funny expressions. But that's to be expected with any group photos!
For me, I really wanted these family pictures because I spend so much time being behind the camera. It is wonderful to actually be in pictures with my family.
I highly recommend family pictures if you've never done it before. And outdoor photos really capture personalities because everyone's a little more relaxed than in a studio. Plus you can dress more casually, which, let's face it, for kids and for hubbies, always leads to a more enjoyable experience! Just keep it simple.
I hope you enjoyed this look at my family! I know I'm excited to finally share them with you :)
Thanks again Cathy for these wonderful pictures and for capturing our family so well!
Do you tend to stay behind the camera or get in the pictures with your family? Have you had family portraits taken? How did they turn out?
Happy organizing {and picture taking}!

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