For all my American readers who frequently shop at the Container Store, you can probably relate to my excitement in this post. For all the rest of you, today I want to share with you what I like to call "a little piece of organizing heaven"!
{This is not a sponsored post... I just had a really fun time here and want to share it with you :) }
We don't have The Container Store in Canada, but I've read about it so many times on U.S. based blogs, that I feel like I've been there many times. Awhile ago I was able to finally actually go to The Container Store when we were in the U.S. and I had a blast!
You know when sometimes something is built up so much that when you actually experience it you're disappointed? Well that was NOT the case with my Container Store visit :)
I took some pictures (that's not crazy right?!) and bought a few things I needed. Yep... "needed" :)
How pretty are these shelves of baskets?!
And these too?!
There are rows and rows like these! So much eye candy :)
I've heard lots about Elfa closet systems. Had to take a picture of the closet with purple clothes hanging in it :)
I've seen these on lots of blogs... totally wanted to buy some but they wouldn't have fit in my suitcase unless I left a lot of clothes behind. Tempting :)
Aren't these be a cute and practical way to keep shower supplies or bath toys organized?
For those who hate stepping on Lego pieces... maybe your kids would put them away more if they had these?! A mom can hope :)
I REALLY wanted to buy these! A little slice of purple organizing heaven. They were almost as tall as me :)
I so wish I lived near a Container Store when I was registering for wedding gifts! How much fun would it be to pick out pretty and functional organizing items for people to buy you?! For all you brides out there... I'll help you make your registry list :)
I took lots more pictures, but I don't want to bore you. Or spoil the surprises for those of you who may get to the opportunity to shop at a Container Store.
Tomorrow I'll show you what I bought (that did fit in my suitcase) and how I used them in my home. For now I'll leave you with one last fun picture.
This is the bag my purchases came in!
I love those large paper bags and I gotta tell ya, this one made me a little giddy to walk out of the store with. I felt a bit like a celebrity after reading about the Container Store so much and finally getting to shop in one :)
Have you shopped in a Container Store? What are your favourite items to buy? Please tell me I'm not the only one who gets excited about the Container Store?!
Happy organizing!

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