For those of you who have been waiting (with bated breath I'm sure!) for the kitchen post I promised yesterday, I'm sorry, but I've decided to put the series on hold until January.
The thing is, I unpacked some of my Christmas bins this week. In particular, I got out all of my Christmas kitchen items. To make the cupboards and drawers not too crowded while the Christmas towels, glasses, mugs, etc. are in them, I usually put away some of our "regular" kitchen things (I just put them in the empty bins that the Christmas things were just in).
I'm still working my way through re-organizing my kitchen and I only realized after I put all my Christmas items in my kitchen that the "after pictures" wouldn't make sense with my before pictures since I've swapped out so many things.
Rather than "un-Christmasing", taking pictures for the series, and then "re-Christmasing" my kitchen, I'm just going to go back to the series in January. Thanks for understanding!
I'll have lots of fun posts coming up in December though. You can read about them in Sunday's December goals post :)
Here's a recap of the posts so far in this kitchen organizing series, in case you missed any.
And while my American friends are enjoying their turkey today, I'm going to curl up with my afternoon tea in my favourite Christmas mug.
Yep, no dainty little tea cups for this gal. I like my tea in a big giant mug :)
{Sorry for the flash... it's cloudy here and I have very poor natural lighting in my home at the best of times.}
Happy Thanksgiving to those who are celebrating it today! And happy Black Friday shopping to those who are participating in that tomorrow!
And if you're interested in becoming a professional organizer, don't forget to check in here tomorrow morning for the Profitable Organizer Black Friday special post. Cynthia's 3rd video will be live (click here to see the first 2 videos if you missed them), she'll reveal the twist she mentioned yesterday, and you'll be able to hear about the great deal they're offering. It's a good one!
[Update: This promotion is over and the videos are no longer available, but click here for more free videos and information on becoming a professional organizer]
Have you had an "oops!" moment? How did you handle it?
Happy organizing!

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