Are your kids growing like weeds before your eyes? Do you sometimes wish you could freeze time so you can remember them the way they are now?
{Well, maybe not when they're bugging each other during their school break :) Only 5 days until school starts... oops, did I say that out loud?! OK, back to the post... }
You can't stop time, but you can do things every year that capture your kids at each age. And the end of the year is a great time to do that!
We've been marking our kids' heights on a fun Grinch growth chart since they were very little. {I can't find this exact one on Amazon and I don't remember where I bought it, but here's a similar one}
Isn't it cute?! They love seeing how much they've grown each year. I can tell from the clothes they outgrow... but it's neat to have an ongoing record like this!
Then, last year I saw a fun idea on Achieving Creative Order to paint kids' hand prints on a Christmas tree skirt. I didn't have a good tree skirt for that, but I thought it would be neat to add my kids' hand prints to the back of our Grinch growth chart. Here are last year's hand prints.
This year we went with green paint. Sort of a Christmas theme going on since it's on the back of the Grinch :) Here they are this year making their prints.
They like getting messy with the paint!
And yes... those would be pajamas my kids are in. We're enjoying a bunch of PJ days during the holidays :)
I wish I'd started this earlier, when their hands were smaller! But over time we'll still see growth. I also have them write their names and the year so I have a record of their handwriting each year too.
It's a fun little tradition we started last year and I plan to keep it going as long as possible. We've only used a small part of the back of the growth chart :)
How do you track your kids' growth? What year-end traditions do you have? Have you started any new traditions recently?
Happy organizing!

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