Decluttering for a Simpler Christmas: Holiday Decorations | From Overwhelmed to Organized: Decluttering for a Simpler Christmas: Holiday Decorations

Monday, December 2, 2013

Decluttering for a Simpler Christmas: Holiday Decorations

Do you feel overwhelmed at Christmas with all the extra "stuff" in your home?

Before Christmas there are lots of holiday items taking over your home.  Decorations, gifts, lights, craft supplies, activities and projects for kids, holiday CD's, special baking supplies and tools, candles, Christmas cards, gift wrap, holiday dishes, and Christmas clothing.  Just to name a few!

And after Christmas there are all the new gifts cluttering up your home. Toys, books, electronics, games, clothes, and more decorations!  It can make your home feel cluttered.

One of the best ways to simplify Christmas is to declutter in the weeks leading up to Christmas.  To help you do that, I'll be doing a series of posts this month sharing ideas to help you declutter your home for a simpler Christmas.  Join me!

This week, many people will decorate their homes for Christmas and put their ornaments and lights on their tree.  As you're going through your decorations, take some time to declutter them.  You probably have some things you won't put out for one reason or another.  Rather than storing them for another year, consider purging them.

Here are some suggestions of decorations you can purge:

This post has been moved to my business website's blog: Please check it out there. 

Happy organizing!