It's finally here! It's Christmas! I gotta tell ya, I'm a wee bit excited :) Maybe as much or more than my kids.
Here are a few pictures of our Christmas Eve celebrations.
My kids being goofy before church.
My son took this picture of my hubby and I.
After church we opened a few gifts. This one was a special book the kids got to write in for my hubby. They had fun thinking of what made him special, what they would give him if they could give him anything, and what their Christmas prayer for him is. They were so excited to give it to him! He loved it :)
I made a photo book of the family portraits we took this summer and I wasn't sure if it would arrive in time for Christmas or not (it was a last-minute idea). So I was really happy it came right on Christmas Eve! I quickly wrapped it up for the whole family and everyone had fun looking through it.
This year, for the first time, the kids bought gifts for each other with their own money. Here they are unwrapping them... it's serious business :)
It was so funny because they both got each other the same two things (a Club Penguin membership and their favourite chocolate bars from the school fundraiser)! I had nothing to do with it, except to buy what they asked me to. They disguised them when they wrapped them up so the other wouldn't guess what they were (I suggested that part). And they opened them at the same time. They both laughed like crazy when they realized they'd given the same things to each other!
Of course, no Christmas Eve would be complete without putting out milk and goodies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.
And a "nice" Christmas picture to close the day out!
Think they're excited?!
I wish each of you a very special Christmas! Thank you for being part of my life this year and for taking time out of your busy life to read this blog.
Merry Christmas and happy organizing!