8 Tips for "Take Back the House and Get Back to Routines Day"! | From Overwhelmed to Organized: 8 Tips for "Take Back the House and Get Back to Routines Day"!

Monday, January 6, 2014

8 Tips for "Take Back the House and Get Back to Routines Day"!

What?  You've never heard of "Take Back the House and Get Back to Routines" day?  With all the crazy holidays out there, I'm surprised Hallmark hasn't picked up on this one!

I love the holidays and the lack of structure.  It's often a little crazy before and during Christmas with everything that needs to be done and all the gatherings and events to attend.  But around here, the days after Christmas/New Year's were relaxing and fun.

But, I also love structure and routine, and an uncluttered house.  Which is what today's all about!  This morning I'm sharing what I did last night and what I'm doing today, to take back the house and get back into routines.  And along the way I'm sharing 8 tips to help you do the same! 

This post has been moved to my business website's blog: https://fromoverwhelmedtoorganized.com/8-tips-for-take-back-the-house-and-get-back-to-routines-day/. Please check it out there. 

Happy organizing!