Happy 1st day of Spring! There's still snow on the ground here and the temps are a wee bit chilly. But I just noticed a teeny tiny little green thing poking out of the ground where the snow has melted... which means my bulbs know it's spring at least!
We just finished a huge clean-up of our home last week in preparation for my son's 10th birthday party. I like having a clean house, but I just don't like actually cleaning. So when we have the entire house clean at the same time it's a pretty amazing feeling.
But I know I still need to do some spring cleaning for those deep down tasks that only need to be done once in awhile. And you know I'm always decluttering, but there's something about spring that makes me want to declutter and organize even more! Fun times ahead :)
If you're planning to do any spring cleaning and organizing in the next few weeks, I know you'll be just as excited as I am about what's coming up on Monday!
This is an eBook bundle that you can't miss. It's ALL organizing eBooks!! There are eBooks to help you organize and clean your home, manage paperwork and memorabilia, work from home, and create a schedule that works for you, plus LOTS more.
I'll share all the details on Monday, but I've previewed the bundle and I can tell you it's amazing :)
So start dreaming about all the spring cleaning and organizing you can do with this fantastic bundle of resources!
What do you want to tackle first?
Happy organizing!

I link up at these great parties - Check them out!