Wondering where I've been the last week and a half? Missing my kitchen organizing tips? Or have you been so busy organizing that you didn't notice I haven't posted anything lately?
I mentioned previously that I've been helping my parents and a colleague prepare their homes for selling. Last week I spent a day helping my parents work with a stager to make decisions about how to make their home look amazing to potential buyers. I would have helped with more packing and cleaning but then...
I wound up with a home full of sickies... including myself. Mainly bad colds, but they lingered. And mine seemed to suck all my energy away. The symptoms just traveled from one to the next to the next and so on. And just when we thought someone was over it, symptoms reappeared and the cycle continued. Two out of four are now pretty much better. My daughter was on the mend but has a stomach bug now... poor thing. And I'm on the mend, but definitely get pooped out quicker than normal.
This week is March Break here, so my kids are home from school. We had some beautiful spring-like weather the last 2 days and it felt so good to think winter was nearly over. Then today we're smack back in the middle of winter all over again with snow and cold temperatures. Just came in from shoveling... whew what a workout! I'm ready for winter to end. Too bad those days weren't switched around so the snow could have all melted right away!
Anyway, I had a great plan to work on kitchen organizing projects and write two weeks' worth of blog posts last week so I could take this week off and enjoy March Break with my kids. But that didn't happen. I only wrote one post last week. But it's been a popular one! I guess a lot of you wanted to know the secret to maintaining an organized food storage containers zone! It was exciting to wake up yesterday and find out that was the most popular post in the "One Project at a Time" link party on A Bowl Full of Lemons. If you're new here, you'll be happy to know that I normally post more than once every 1 1/2 weeks!
I was still hoping to get some posts written and shared this week, but I'm going to free myself up from the guilt of not getting them done. We scheduled lots of appointments for this week (doctor, dentist, orthodontist) and my son's going to a basketball camp in the mornings. Plus I'm preparing for his birthday on Sunday. Can't believe I'll have a double-digit's kiddo! I've also been transitioning our craft supplies area to a new-to-me cabinet that I got from my parents' house and purging some of our basement furniture (more on that in a future post). And in between all that, we're doing crafts, playing games, doing puzzles, and having fun together. Oh and trying to get everyone better!
So, I'm taking a blogging break. I should be back sometime next week with more kitchen organizing posts. Yes, this is the second time I've put this series on hold. Remember at the end of November when I decorated too soon? Wow... has this series really been going on since November? I guess my kitchen was in pretty rough shape :)
I did start organizing my fridge and freezer, but I've been having a hard time finding the type of bins that I really want to use. The ones I've been using the last year and a half just aren't working the way I need them to (they're too shallow and have too much wasted space beside them because of their big curvy edges). I finally found some that will work at Dollarama but they only had 2 at the first 2 stores I tried. And with a sick little girl and a snowstorm outside, I'm not going to drive around to multiple other stores trying to find more anytime soon. Hopefully later this week I can get more and finish up that organizing project so I can share it with you!
I've still been decluttering (I just see things now and question how long it's been since I've used it and whether I really need it or not!). So I'll have an update soon for the 365 Items in 365 Days challenge.
So... there's an update on what's going on around here. I hope you understand why I won't be blogging for a little bit :)
If you're looking for organizing or decluttering ideas in the meantime, take a look through all the tabs on the top of this page. There are galleries in each menu with links to lots of former posts that you may have forgotten about or missed, depending on when you started following this blog!
Plus, I've got tons of ideas on my Pinterest boards for nearly any organizing project you can imagine!
And I'm still interacting on Facebook and Google+, as well as in our 365 Items in 365 Days Facebook group so let me know what you're decluttering or organizing!
See you again soon!
Happy organizing!

I link up at these great parties - Check them out!
Here are all the posts from the kitchen organizing tips series: