Happy Friday everyone! Today I'm excited to be guest posting over on Organize365! I'm reviewing the book "Paperless Home Organization" by Mystie Winckler, which is part of the All Organized eBook Bundle.
Here's a little snippet from the post:
- Do you have paper all over your home?
- Do you ever have trouble finding what you need?
- Or do you forget to do something because it wasn't written down or you lost the reminder?
- Do you need to access your paperwork and notes on the go?
Me too!
That's why I love the title "Paperless Home Organization"! It intrigues me to think that I could organize my home without paper. I'm a list maker. One of those "I need to write this down or I'll forget it" people. I've started tracking more things electronically, but I'm definitely not paperless yet.
Click here to jump over and read the rest of the post and see how you can go paperless while you organize your home and your life!
Then come back here and get your copy of Paperless Home Organization! It's $4.99 if you buy it here. Or, you can buy it as part of the All Organized eBook Bundle, where you'll get 22 other books as well, for only $20. That's only $0.87 each! The sale is only available until Monday though so don't procrastinate! You can get started reading and organizing this weekend!
[Update: The bundle sale is now over, but you can still get this book individually by clicking the link above as directed.]
I'm know I'm excited to put into practice the things I learned from this book, and others in this bundle. You'll see the evidence of how I do in future posts :)
Have you gone paperless? If so, what tips can you share? If not, what's holding you back?
Happy organizing!

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