Think you have to spend a lot of money on costly organizing tools to get your house in order? Nope! Getting organized doesn't have to be expensive!
Throughout this series I'm sharing ideas to help you organize your home by either
- making simple organizers with things that don't cost very much OR
- using items you already have in a different way.
If cost has been holding you back from getting organized, now you've got no more excuses!
It's day 31! We're at the end of this series. Thanks so much for sticking with me throughout this series!
I've shared a LOT of cheap and easy DIY organizers this month. So you can't use the excuse that organizing is too expensive anymore. Because there are 100+ ideas in this series that show it isn't.
Today, I have a few more DIY organizers to show you. These didn't fit any particular day's theme, so I'm including them all here today as "extra bits".