It's Christmas! After all the preparations, it's finally here! I never know who's more excited... my kids or me! OK... it's probably both :)
Here are a few pictures from our Christmas Eve preparations and celebrations!
We baked Christmas cookies... mmmmm :)
The kids decorated cookies at church... more mmm :)
Family pic after church
We had McDonald's for dinner.... yep... after all the other Christmas prep the last thing either my hubby or I feel like doing on Christmas Eve is cook! We've usually picked up Swiss Chalet chicken (a great Canadian rotisserie chicken restaurant), but they closed at 3:00 pm today :( My daughter likes those golden arches better anyway!
My son is tired of all the pictures all the time. Oh the life of a blogger's kid LOL!
We opened a few gifts tonight. The kids opened their gifts to each other...
(I love the excitement on my daughter's face as my son is opening her gift!)
It was a Disney baseball ornament! He loved it when we were at Disney World in May and she bought it way back then for him for Christmas. Seven months of anticipation was worth the wait :)
She was equally as excited with his gift to her... a Club Penguin membership, and two gifts that were actually things he had in his room but didn't use so he wanted to give them to her... Jack Hanna colouring pages and marine animal fact cards. She loves animals and didn't even notice or care that they were regifted items.
Before bed it was time to put out treats for Santa. This was the first year my son doesn't believe in Santa :( but he's been playing along for his sister's sake. He didn't want to do the treats this year though (not so much because he doesn't believe in Santa, but he was in the middle of something else that was more exciting). So he left it all up to her.
So many choices.... how about one of everything?! And 9 carrots for the reindeer :)
And that's our Christmas Eve! My hubby and I got to relax a bit after the kids were in bed, the stockings were filled, the Santa gifts were put under the tree, and the treats were eaten... always my favourite part of Christmas Eve :)
Today is filled with family gatherings... I'm hosting my parents for Christmas brunch for the first time, and then we're going to my hubby's family for the rest of the day.
Before all of that though, I want to wish each of you a very special Christmas! I'm so grateful that you've been part of my life this year. Enjoy your celebrations today!
Merry Christmas and happy organizing!