How many times have you “tried harder” to improve your health? How many times have you “tried harder” than the last time, only to fail again? You probably beat yourself up afterwards. You probably told yourself that if you just tried harder the next time around, you’d succeed.
Here’s a secret: no you wouldn’t. Trying harder has never been your issue. Instead, you should be trying different. Trying simpler.
Most people over-complicate the process of improving their health. They think the silver bullet is in the complexity, in the personal trainers, in the protein shakes, in the gym memberships.
But it’s actually the opposite. The silver bullet is in you. In the knowledge you have. In the decisions you make. In the consistency you achieve.
In a few days, you're going to have an amazing opportunity to make things simpler for improving your health in 2015. It will make improving your health a no-brainer.
Update: The sale is now live! Click here for all the details!
Ryan and Stephanie from Ultimate Bundles have put together a life-changing selection of the best ebooks and courses from some of the most knowledgeable and renowned authors on some of the most important topics impacting your family today:
- How to make yourself more fit
- How to make your children more nutritious meals
- How to improve the condition of your skin and hair through natural products
- How to use essential oils
- How to do all that you can to prevent chronic diseases
- And hundreds of more topics
This bundle of ebooks was on sale earlier this year for 1 week and a lot of people were disappointed when the week was over because they hadn't bought their bundle in time. Normally these bundles are only on sale for 1 week and that's it.
But, if you wanted to buy this bundle and missed out last time, or, if you are beginning a journey to healthier living in 2015 (like me!), then you're in luck! The bundle will be available for 2 days only, December 29 and 30!!
This is a great deal and it will help all of us live healthier in 2015!
If you don’t believe me, click here to see what others are saying about their bundles.
Next week, Ryan and Stephanie will be opening the Healthy Living bundle for purchase for just 48 hours — that’s it! After that it will no longer be available.
Ryan and Stephanie could only get the authors to agree to give away a limited number of copies of their books. Be on the lookout for more information so that you’re ready on December 29 before the books are sold out.
Until then, prepare yourself to make 2015 your healthiest year yet. You can join the 4-Day Healthy Living Challenge if you haven't already done so. It's totally free!
I'll admit... I didn't do very well with this challenge the last few days with all the yummy Christmas goodies around me. But I'm at least limiting the amount of treats I'm allowing myself to have. Baby steps!
Update: The sale is now live! Click here for all the details!
What steps can you take towards being healthier? If you've traveled this road successfully, what advice do you have for those of us starting out?
Happy organizing!

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