It's officially been 2015 for 5 days now, but this is my first new post of the new year, so I figure it's still OK to wish you a happy new year!
I've been down and out with bronchitis for the past week, so I haven't been able to write any new blog posts lately. Bad timing for an organizing blogger to get sick... there have been lots of new people checking out my blog to get organized for the new year!
This has been my view for the last few days (before that it was mostly my bed or the other couch... but no pictures were taken at that point).
This is me curled up on the couch with my comfy Christmas blanket. Yep... Christmas stuff is all still out here. Usually I clean it up on the weekend before the kids go back to school (or the day they go back), but there was no way that was happening this past weekend. Hopefully by the end of next weekend we'll have everything put away. {Ignore that cord running through the picture... that wasn't usually there LOL!}.
Other things wrong with this picture... those are birthday decorations beside the TV... from my birthday on December 21st. Haven't put them away either. And... those are a few birthday gifts piled on the floor in front of the TV. They didn't get put away before the Christmas gifts took over the living room. I managed to get some of the Christmas gifts put away before I got sick, but since this pile had been buried, it only got unburied... but not put away.
There is a lovely puzzle on our puzzle board on the floor too. While I was on my mission to use Christmas gifts during the holidays (before I got sick) we finished that one. I'd hoped to do a bunch of our other new puzzles during the holidays too, but that didn't happen. My daughter did have fun using a lot of her gifts though. My son ended up using quite a few too, mostly because he got some new video games and I didn't have the energy to limit their screen time!
OK, moving on... as I got a bit more strength back my view changed to this.
Yep... not much different in the background... but I was able to sit up for awhile every day and check in on my blog. Well... not so much the blog... that's still the ad for the Healthy Living Bundle sale that ended last Tuesday... finally changed that this morning! I didn't even end up buying a bundle myself... I had prescheduled the blog posts about it and some social media posts to encourage sales, but during the time of the sale I was just coming down with the worst of the bronchitis. Oh well. I know what I need to be doing to get healthier this year anyway. When I'm better. For now, I'm happy that I lost a few pounds this past week since I haven't had much appetite.
I didn't get the year-end posts written that I wanted to write... a flash-back of popular posts from the year, a look back at my goals and how I did, a look ahead to goals for 2015, or even a new January family goals printable post (you can use last year's January goals printable though!). Nope... haven't even spent a lot of time reflecting back or looking ahead. Myself, or for the blog, or with my family. Hoping to remedy those things this week.
But, when I did have some energy the last few days, I checked in on the 365 Items in 365 Days Facebook group. And I'm so glad I did!! We had over 50 new people join in the last week and every time I log in there are still new people asking to join! Lots of new year's resolutions to declutter. Or just that "itch" to start the new year fresh and get rid of what's been weighing you down from the past year.
If you want to get your home and your life organized in 2015, this blog is the place to be! I've got lots of posts in mind.
For now, here are some links to posts or series that can help you get your new year off to a great start.
- 8 tips for "Take Back the House and Get Back Into Routines Day" (yep... made that up but it totally should be an annual holiday!). These are tips to help you get back to "normal" after the Christmas holidays.
- 365 Items in 365 Days decluttering challenge (you can join in at any time but the new year is a great time to start!)
- 31 Days of Easy Decluttering (many people in the 365 Items in 365 Days challenge are using this as a starting point)
If you're still putting away Christmas, like I'll be doing...hopefully soon, here are a few posts that may help.
And now I'm off for a nap. Or to watch some more Netflix. I'll be back with new organizing posts soon!
Are you decluttering to kick off the new year? Is getting organized one of your goals this year? What are the biggest challenges you face in decluttering or organizing? What topics would you like to see me cover in 2015?
Happy organizing!

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