How are you doing in the 365 Items in 365 Days Declutter Challenge? It's the 365th day of the year today so if you started in January, your target is to have purged 365 items by now! But don't worry about that if you've just started. Just jump in! It's always a good time to declutter :)
Today I'll be sharing what I've decluttered since my last update in early November. By doing these updates I hope to give you ideas of things you can purge from your home!
Much of my decluttering during this period has been documented throughout the #NetZeroClutter series, so after I talk about what I decuttered in November, I'll wrap my totals for the whole year.
Earlier this fall we had our garage floor replaced by our condo corporation. It was deteriorating badly and while some other construction was taking place we were able to get a new floor. It looks SO much better now and feels a lot safer. And there's much less dust :)
However, as part of the process, we had to empty everything off our garage floor, which included our huge shelf that we store all our bins on (the supports rested on the actual floor). Most of those bins and a lot of other garage stuff lived in our dining room, living room, hallway, and basement for about 6 weeks (it took longer than expected to do the floor and then we did some repairs and upgrades ourselves).
We called it temporary clutter. But boy it sure seemed like a long 6 weeks!
Anyway, although I thought we had decluttered our garage fairly well over the last few years, by touching every single thing (even things shoved back in the corners!), we still found some items to declutter.
Here's what we let go of:
- 1 old door
- 1 booster seat (a neighbour picked it up from our garbage at the curb)
- 6 empty boxes
- 2 concrete scalloped garden edges
- 1 roll of underpadding
- 4 pieces of scrap wood
- 1 piece of wooden paneling
I didn't declutter much else in November because our home really was taken over by items from our garage. Once it was all finally moved back into the garage at the end of November though... I was ready to do some serious decluttering!
NetZeroClutter Series
{Spoiler alert... if you're reading this post before you read Day 31 of the #NetZeroClutter series then I'm about to tell you my totals so skip ahead to the next section or go read that post and come back if you want to be surprised.}
I decluttered 553 items in December during the NetZeroClutter series! After factoring in 194 items that entered our home this month, I ended up with a total of 359 net items out of our home.
If you weren't following that series, you can go back through the posts to see what I decluttered. Sometimes I followed the category for that day's post and sometimes I just decluttered things that I wanted to tackle.
Note: My NetZeroClutter decluttered items total is higher than what I would normally have counted for the 365 Items in 365 Days challenge. I counted 100 items of kids' clothing and normally I don't count those in the 365 Items in 365 Days challenge. So I'll make that 3 bags of clothes instead of 100 items, which makes my total 456 items in December for this challenge.
My Totals
All totaled, that makes 472 items decluttered in the last two months. That's a total of 1104 items decluttered in 2015!
Wow! It never feels like very much as I'm doing it, but that's one of the reasons I like keeping track of what I declutter. It's so motivating to know I decluttered over 1000 items this year from our home. That beats my total from 2014 too :) And now I've upped the ante for 2016!
It is so great to be doing this challenge with all of you and sharing our progress together! I hope my decluttering has inspired you to look around your home with fresh eyes!
In our Facebook group, we've had lots of activity lately! We had a lot of new members join us for the #NetZeroClutter challenge as well as just in the last few days as people are ready to get a jump start on decluttering and organizing for the new year.
Come join us if you need some motivation and cheering :) The details for this challenge are always in a tab at the top of the page here on the blog.
So, that's my decluttering journey for the last few months! I'm so glad you're part of the 365 Items in 365 Days Declutter Challenge and I hope this post gives you some ideas of what you can purge next! If you haven't joined yet... jump in!
Are you ready to declutter?!
January is a great time to let go of things so you can start the new year off on a lighter note!
Remember to tell others about this challenge. They'll thank you for helping them declutter. Feel free to grab this button to spread the news if you're a blogger or have a website.

If you need any decluttering ideas to get you started or keep you going, check out the other posts from the series below... I seem to write about decluttering a lot :) You can also follow my Decluttering/Purging Tips & Ideas board on Pinterest.
What did you declutter this month? Do you have clutter you want to purge to kick off the new year? Have you joined the 365 in 365 Challenge yet?

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Here are all the posts in the 365 Items in 365 Days series: