Today I want to introduce you to the Original Wrappy from Wrap iT. It's a great way to organize your wrapping supplies! And stick around to the end of the post because you'll have a chance to win one :)
Note: I was given a Wrappy to review and the opportunity to give one away. All opinions are 100% my own and I only recommend products that I believe will help you go from overwhelmed to organized. This post also contains affiliate links, which means if you purchase an item after clicking one of these links I'll receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.
Problems with gift wrap
I've shown you previously how I organize my gift wrap, but at that time I didn't really have many rolls of gift wrap. Over the last couple of years, however, we've started using rolls of wrap more. Here's how I've been storing them.
They're all standing in this tall bin in the corner of my basement. But maybe you've also experienced this problem... once you open the rolls, the edges of the paper get ripped or worn. Which means wasting some paper when I go to wrap a gift.
I've tried elastics but they break or dry out or crunch the roll too much. Then I saw a tip online about cutting a slip in a cardboard tube (like a toilet paper roll) and putting that over top, so I tried that. But the cardboard stretches over time and ends up not holding the roll tight enough to protect the edges of the paper.
I was also finding another problem with my shallow bins that I was using to store all the rest of my gift wrap. A lot of times we reuse tissue paper or gift bags from gifts we receive, and we also save larger pieces of wrap that are leftover when we cut off the piece we need from the roll. But they often end up getting messy inside the bins after awhile. Or, honestly, they're often just stuffed on top of the bins because we're too lazy to open the bins to put them away.
I really needed something better!
How the Wrappy Works
The Wrappy helps you neatly organize your rolls of wrap and your gift bags and tissue paper, all in one neat organizer that you can hang on the back of a door or in a closet... and you know how much I love maximizing vertical space!
You get pockets for flat wrap, gift boxes, gift bags, tissue paper, scissors, and tape. And on the other side you get elastic rings to hold your rolls neatly in place. And you can hang it anywhere! Or even slide it under your bed.
Here's Adam, the creator of the Wrappy, to talk about how it works.
Using the Original Wrappy for Holiday Wrap
The Wrappy is great for either holiday wrap or everyday wrap... or even both if you don't have very much of either one.
Here I've used it with some of my Christmas wrap.
I started by putting some Christmas gift boxes and various sizes of gift bags into the pockets on the front.
And then I put my rolls of holiday wrap on the back.
I don't have as many rolls as the Wrappy holds, but I put the 4 short and 3 long rolls that I do have into the elastic rings. This version of the Wrappy meant for 30" rolls (there's a deluxe version that fits the longer rolls). But I was able to tuck a few long rolls in to this one. They just stick out a bit on top.
The Wrappy sure keeps the rolls neat! Just twist the roll a bit to hide the cut edge and then it won't rip or tear. And the rolls don't unravel so everything stays in great condition to use when needed for all your wrapping!
Using the Wrappy with Everyday Wrap
I've decided to use my Wrappy with our everyday wrap... to solve the problem of my ripped up rolls of wrap and also my gift wrap bins that keep getting messy.
I decided to use the pockets for all our tissue paper and flat wrap. I was able to fit everything from one of my bins into the two big pockets!
I'm using the top pocket of the Wrappy for our tissue paper (used and new) and the bottom pocket for our flat wrap (scraps and full sheets or packages). This is a much better system for us than the bin. It will be easy to just pop re-usable tissue paper or larger scraps of wrapping paper into these pockets and easy to find exactly what we need when it comes time to wrap a gift!
And on the other side of the Wrappy, I have all our open rolls of birthday or everyday gift wrap.
Again, I have a few long rolls sticking out the top, but it works for me... and it's so much better than all the paper getting ripped and worn in that tall bin! I'm still keeping my unopened rolls of wrap in my tall bin so they are out of the way. I stocked up on a bunch when they were 90% off at Target before they closed here in Canada so I'm set for several years I think!
{I decluttered some of our gift wrap while I was organizing it, as part of the #NetZeroClutter challenge this month and the 365 Items in 365 Days challenge all year. If you want to declutter your gift wrap, check out this post: Decluttering Holiday Wrap - the same principles apply to everyday wrap too!}
Features of the Wrappy
- I found the hook to be really solid and there's wood at the top which really makes the whole unit solid and durable - you can hang it on a closet rod or on a hook on the back of a door
- The Wrappy is made of clear heavy duty PVC and nylon so you can see everything
- It can store up to 13 regular rolls of wrap (less if you have wider rolls but the elastic still stretches around them to secure them)
- No assembly required - it comes rolled up in a box, ready to use
Other Products in the Wrap iT Family
You can get your own Wrappy here. Or check out the rest of the Wrap iT website to see pictures and videos of all the other members of the Wrap iT family! There are several versions that are bigger if you have more gift wrap and bags than what fits in the Original Wrappy.
There's also a brand new shorter version that accommodates 27" rolls of wrap that you get at dollar stores or Costco. It's called the Buddy Wrap iT.
The Buddy has 2 large pockets that open at the side, making it really easy to get things in and out. And as I mentioned it's designed for short 27" rolls from discount / bulk stores.
You can also find Wrap iT here: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.
Wrappy Giveaway
Now on to the giveaway! One of you lucky readers will win either an Original Wrappy just like this one or a Buddy Wrap iT (your choice). Just enter using the Rafflecoptor form below. Open to US and Canadian residents only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
If you win, Adam and I would love to see how the Wrappy or Buddy Wrap iT helped you organize your gift wrap! Please share your before and after pictures in the comments or by email.
Good luck in the giveaway! And have fun organizing your gift wrap!
How do you organize your gift wrapping supplies? How much gift wrap and how many gift bags do you have?
Happy organizing!

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