Spring Cleaning Decluttering Tips {Video} | From Overwhelmed to Organized: Spring Cleaning Decluttering Tips {Video}

Monday, April 3, 2017

Spring Cleaning Decluttering Tips {Video}

It's time for spring cleaning! But the very thought of cleaning can be overwhelming to many of us.

Maybe it's because we can't vacuum our floors until we pick up all the clothing on them first. Or perhaps you can't motivate yourself to dust because you know every surface in your home is covered with piles of stuff that you'd have to deal with. It might be that you are afraid to open that closet or cabinet door because you've been stuffing things in there all winter and you're worried it will all fall out.

Tired of all the clutter that's built up over the winter? Want to clear it out so you can free up your time and energy to enjoy the nicer weather and all the fun activities it brings with it?

If any of this sounds familiar, then it's time to declutter! Overwhelmed? I'm sharing tips today to help you get started :)

This post has been moved to my business website's blog: https://fromoverwhelmedtoorganized.com/spring-cleaning-decluttering-tips-video/. 

Please check it out there. 

Happy organizing!