If your home needs a little decluttering (or a lot!) and you've only got 10-15 minutes to tackle that clutter, then these posts are perfect for you!
As you finish some of the tasks, you'll find you feel less overwhelmed and more organized :)
This series was from October 2013 and the page you're on now has a full list of all of the posts in the series. Pin it or bookmark it so you can return here any time you need decluttering tips and ideas!
Each post in this series contains decluttering tips from me as well as links to ideas from many other great bloggers.
If you want to pin pictures from any of these posts, please pin from the original sources. These pictures are not mine and I know how hard the other bloggers worked to create their images and posts so they should get the credit, not me. If you want to pin specific posts from this series for the tips that I give, you can pin the purple title button or one of the pictures that are from my home.
And if you're doing some decluttering, check out the 365 Items in 365 Days challenge! You can join any time. And our 365 in 365 Facebook group is full of encouraging and motivating people who are decluttering just like you.
If you have any specific decluttering questions, please contact me and I'll do my best to help you out.
Happy decluttering!

Here are all the posts in the series.